Kika Sprangers (alto & soprano saxophone), Mats Eilertsen (double bass), Per Oddvar Johansen (drums), Kjetil Mulelid (piano)
Album, Morning, to be released June 2025 on Hubro Records.
Late winter 2024 pianist Kjetil Mulelid, saxophonist Kika Sprangers, bassist Mats Eilertsen and drummer Per Oddvar Johansen came together in the Nordic tiny house of Per Oddvar. Surrounded by lots of snow in a deep forest right outside of Oslo, they recorded their music. “Everybody brought some tunes, we pressed REC and let it be…” It turned out to be a wonderful first meeting evolving into the recording of the album Morning.
“None of the takes were the same. A ‘take two’ usually has the tendency to refer to ‘take one’, especially when ‘take one’ sounds good. However, with Mats and Per Oddvar every take went their own unique way. The interplay was amazing and felt really natural and organic. Although we did not yet know each other that well, we were able to closely follow each other’s musical steps. You hear that on the album. That spontaneity and curiosity.” - Kika and Kjetil
In June 2025 Morning will be released on the Norwegian label Hubro with supporting concerts.
Recorded February 20 and 21 2024 by Per Oddvar Johansen in Sleaskjulet, Lommedalen
Mixed and mastered by Per Oddvar Johansen in Sleaskjulet, Lommedalen
Produced by Beiggja. Sleeve art by Aslak Gurholt
1. Swims (Sprangers)
2. Morning (Johansen)
3. What If (Sprangers)
4. Love Story (Mulelid)
5. Tuvals (Eilertsen)
6. Encore (Mulelid)
7. Far (Sprangers)
8. Love Cycle (Johansen)
9. Swims II (Sprangers)
© Kjetil Mulelid